Hi. I'm Chris. Started Ways to Make Money blog to show you different ideas to make money. It happens that quite by chance, we learn about new opportunities of earning money. The possibilities, which we did not previously considered. It may be, for example, while talking with friends, as well as during flip through web pages or forums. We may even get inspired by conversation overheard on the bus or on television or radio broadcast. This website presents various descriptions of interesting ways of making money.
The idea arose from the fact that one day I found out my main internet income source vanished over night. That was a huge shock for me. I started to look for other earning possibilities. I was comparing different money making ideas that I read about on different websites. This blog provides a summary of my research.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Directory Domination updated list of free directories

Do you need Directory Domination updated list of free directories?

I downloaded Directory Domination v1.01 tool few months ago. It's free but pretty outdated now. As you probably noticed there are 200 directories listed in Directory Domination v1.01.
Most of these sites require review fee now to list your site. Some of them are simply dead, domain parked or url forwarded. That's why I publish a list of selected directories that, at the time of posting this (February 2012), still allow free site submitting.

As you can see there are 57 directories left. Don't bother to look out the other ones. Here's the list:


The rest of this post was moved here.


  1. http://www.freedirecory-sai.com/
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  3. Nice post.. i was looking for a list and i found it. Real help for me. Visit:- Ways to make money .
